Making your own clothes will become real fun!
With PatternMaker and a Pattern Collection you can finally sew your clothes based on your own measurements and they will fit better than customized clothing.
A PATTERN COLLECTION consists of one or more programmed models, the Pattern Macros, with which you can draw made-to-measure patterns based on your own body measurements. With PatternMaker Basic which is free included with every collection, you can print these patterns on true scale with an A-4 printer.
The designer Leena has made for PatternMaker some very attractive collections to sew a complete lady's wardrobe.
Each time you can make a different model just by choosing a different style.
TAKING MEASUREMENTS is very important for a good fitting of the patterns. Therefore follow very carefully the measuring instructions, which every designer has added to the collection.
See also PatternMaker Basic!
Select first a designer to select a collection.
The pattern collection SuperJackets offers a various amount of jackets and blouses to sew.
With the many ease options and the various other style options it is possible to sew very different garments again and again.
The pattern collection SuperPants consists of several different pants models with all kinds of style options.
You will create another pants model over and over.
The pattern collection SuperSkirts has all kind of different skirt models to make a modern skirt model. Every skirt model has also several style options to choose from.
You can sew over and over a different skirt model in fashion.
The Pattern Collection Sportswear contains several sportwear models for men and women.
You can choose from three shirts, three jackets and four pants models with a varity of style options.
This pattern collection Men contains basic garments for men and teen-boys. For men there are a couple of base models to choose from: a tailored jacket, a tailored shirt with many style options, pleated trousers, a vest and a fitting bodice. With the many different style options in the shirt you can create a different shirt over and over.